Friday, November 12, 2010

My Philosophy On Life

LifeDeathThe JourneyOther Worlds

My Philosophy On Life

I’m no genius but…
This is what I think is the answer to the ultimate question of “why and how did we get here”? Is there a God? What happens to us when we die?
As we all know, there are many different beliefs and supposed explanations. I’m no religious scholar, nor am I a scientist. But I am a mom with kids that ask questions.
I do believe in God. But then that would discredit all the scientific explanations of how the earth began. Well, I like so many pondered these questions and quite frankly it drove me crazy until I finally found a way to make sense of it all in my own little brain.
And here it is. When my kids have had so many questions, as kids always do, about what happens when we die I tell them this…

Life is a day, when we die its tomorrow.
We wake up with no memory of our past.
The only clue is to look up to the heavens, for there in lies our next journey.
Three little sentences that finally put my mind at ease. I then go on to explain that these three sentences are what God would be saying if trying to explain it simply to us.

Life is a day.
Think about it. God is the Alpha and Omega. Always here and always will be here. How do you wrap your head around that one? You cannot. Anyone who believes knows it is not for us to understand, but to believe. Believing something you do not understand is called faith. So, with that being said, put yourself in God’s shoes. If you were always here and always going to be here, what would the word life mean to you? Our lives in God’s terms of time might only be a nano second. This would explain as well why it has been so long since his last physical visit to earth. For someone who has always been here and who will always be here 2,009 years might only be a few hours or days.  I’m sure that if you have always been here and will always be here you will be finding ways to keep yourself busy.

When we die its tomorrow.
Our whole life is but a day in God’s terms of time.

We wake up with no memory of our past.
This sentence to me explains so much. I believe that we do wake up again. You hear too many people talk about near death experiences not to believe that. And my own father claimed to have died at the beach as a boy and to have been “hovering” over his body and watching the people trying to save his life. This tells me without a doubt that we do have spirits that live on after our bodies die. It also explains why we never hear again from the dead. How painful would it be to someone who passes away to know the pain and grief their loved ones still living on earth are feeling and not be able to communicate with them? And how would you ever be able to go on knowing what you left behind?

The only clue is to look up to the heavens, for there in lies our next journey.
This is where the scientific part comes in. Quite simply, our sun is a star. Have you looked up at the sky on a clear night and seen how many stars are up there? And when you see them all how can you not believe that there must be other situations like ours? Some people believe you die and you either go to heaven or hell. I think God said that to comfort us and not worry us. He speaks of things in the bible in terms that we can relate to and understand in our own surroundings. Like a kind of need to know basis. Again, if you were always here and always going to be here you would want to keep yourself busy. Would earth and humans really be the only things you ever created?
I always hold on to the verse of the bible that says “My house has many mansions”. For me, this might mean that we go on to one of the many other places God has created. I believe there are other places of life other than earth and that maybe this will be our next journey. This would explain why we have not been able to find or prove other life exists in the universe. We are not supposed to find it now. It may well be the next place we’re going to. I believe that our time here on earth is but a stepping stone to heaven and that we are at the beginning of our journey as we are primitive beings with so much to learn and discover. Our time on earth is but one of many classrooms and we have so much more to learn.
I believe we have been given glimpses of proof. Everyone who says they’ve had some sort of alien sighting or experience can’t be crazy, can they? I believe that what we think are aliens are really just another of God’s creations and they are at the other end of the spectrum. And I have to believe I’m not the only one that thinks this way. A lot of movies have been made about aliens and they have been portrayed to be beings of higher intelligence, awareness and have capabilities to communicate telepathically and to heal without tools. They may be closer to being a complete and true spirit and closer to heaven.
For me, as far as the theory of evolution goes I cannot buy into it because quite simply anything that evolves is no more. How can we have evolved from apes if apes are still here?
All you have to do to believe any of this is think to yourself, what would I be doing if I was God? How powerful is it to be able to think or speak something and it is? And what would you do with that power? Would you want to be all alone, forever? I don’t think so. You would share the gift of life and all the experiences and lessons it has to offer in the hope that every being would become the best they could be to live the rest of eternity in heavenly peace. So when the bible says, our God is a giving God, I believe it.
My three little sentences have brought me more comfort over the years than you can know. It has enabled me to explain my beliefs to my kids in a way that they can understand and I think it has brought them comfort as well. I encourage them to go on their way in this thing we call life and to discover their own answers, but for now at least, they can think of our loved ones as being on some great adventure with God at his side and know that someday we will all meet up again in heaven.
I’m no genius, but that’s what I think

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