Wednesday, November 10, 2010

7 Steps of living at the speed of life

7 Steps to Living at the Speed of Life
by Jim M. Allen

Everywhere you turn today, people are in a constant rush: Hurry here! Hurry there! Free up an extra half-hour and you just might be able to squeeze one more task into your already overflowing schedule of things to do.
Unfortunately, too many of us these days mistake living fast for living well. They aren't the same things. Rather than spend your time rushing around not enjoying life, make the decision to do just the opposite. Choose to slow down.
Below I've listed 7 steps that will help you get started "gearing down" to a calmer, more enjoyable pace: your own, personal, speed of life.

1. Stop rushing

No matter how much you do or don't do, time passes by at a steady rate. Second by second, minute by minute. You can't change that. So accept it and pace yourself.

2. Stop being rushed

Of course, you'll need to spend some time telling the people around you that you're not going to rush anymore, but it's worth it. Take a stand: don't let others force you into fast forward mode.

3. Do less

It's natural for you to start rushing about when your list of activities is jam-packed. If you really want to slow down, reduce your commitments --it's okay to say "No" when people ask for your help and/or participation-- and free up some "spare" time.

4. Do nothing

Better yet, take #3 even further. Do less than less.... do nothing! Plan "nothing days". These are days when you have absolutely nothing that must be done -- days when anything you choose to do is the right thing to do.

5. Do one thing at a time

If you can't bring yourself to doing less (or nothing), then slow down by simply doing one thing at a time. You'll focus more on each task you do (and you'll probably complete it faster, too).

6. Do things now

Not everything, just the stuff that really must be done today. Pay your bills when they arrive, not the day they're due. Take out the trash when the trash is full, not just on the day the garbage truck comes by.

7. Do something for someone else

Spend an hour each week helping your favorite charity . You'll quickly see how valuable time really is and you'll feel great by focusing on helping others. _____

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